#Scotland: The Queraing / Isle of Skye

This is “The Queraing” – a unique geological formation at the northern end of the Isle of Skye in the Scottish Highlands.
I have been making a concerted effort over the past week or so to get some of my photos noticed on Instagram and build my ‘follow’ing there. So I’ve been downloading files from my Zenfolio Galleries on to my iPhone, doing the Instragram filter/framing thing, and then gathering #tags and copy/pasting the from Notes into the post before doing the share thing.
The effort has gathered a few new followers, and I’ve learned a few things about the inner workings of Instagram along the way. I’ll share some of that info in a future post (like when I’m sure I know what I’m talking about).
@visitscotland #brilliantmoments #queraing #scotland The Queraing on @isleoskye in @TwitterUK #scenic #travel @GreatBritain #highlands #digest

Fun w/ #GoT (Game of Thrones)

Is this all that is left of #CasterlyRock? #westeros #GameOfThrones #GoT #digest #WinOrDie #fantasy #medieval #middleages #ironthrone @acastofkings #scotland

This is one of the many photos I brought back from my trip to England and Scotland in May, 2013. It’s a ruin called Tantalon Castle, on the Midlothian coast east of Edinburgh, Scotland.

I’ve been having a little fun with Intagram and my recent fixation with the HBO show, “Game of Thrones.”

OK, “fixation” might be understating the case a bit. It’s more of a full on, clinical obsession. I need a 12-step program. I am powerless over Game of Thrones and….

So I’ve been digging through my ‘medieval fortress’ catalog, and then using an app called WordSwag to add quotations from the show, and then tag the hell out of the Instagram post to appeal to other #GoT fans – of which there seem to be many on Instagram (as there are, everywhere).

Results of the effort to date are mixed, but, then, I’ve only posted like three items, I think consistency is probably the key to getting more new followers.





Podcamp Nashville 2014 The Instagram Feed

Had the pleasure/privilege of serving as the photography sponsor yesterday for Podcamp Nashville. There were so many great, informative sessions all day long, I wish I could have stayed for many of them, but instead I had to run along to shoot the next one, and the one after that.

I managed to post a lot of what I shot to Instagram, along with many other participants who did the same. Here’s the whole day’s feed:

Sorry the feed is a bit slow, I’m still trying to find a more-configurable way to embed an Instagram hashtag stream into a blog post.
I’m not particularly pleased with this particular method for embedding an Instagram feed in a WordPress post… what I’d really like is a tiled graphic where the images change inside the tile. Haven’t found that yet… got any ideas?

New Downtown HQ

Could this be my new fave downtown office?

The coffee is just OK, but the WiFi kicks @Starbucks ass. I’m liking the vibe and the music is not obnoxiously loud – or programmed by a corporation. The staff gets to compile playlists. I actually heard Gram Parsons when I first got here. #digest