Category - gizmos

It’s the gizmos, stupid.

Computer Desktop Photoart Installation Instructions

Thank you for subscribing to the CohesionArts Weekly Digest. We hope you find it entertaining and amusing if not profoundly informative.

To download and install the files, please follow these steps:

1. After you have completed your subscription form, a confirmation request will arrive in your inbox. Click on the link in that message. As soon as you confirm your subscription, a new window should open in your default browser with the link to the file download.

2. Click on download link in r browser; If you can, tell the browser which folder you want the filed to download into; if you can’t, it will wind up in your default “downloads” folder.

3. Find the downloaded file and drag it into the folder where keep you desktops – typically something like /pictures/desktops/.

4. Double click on the .zip file to open the archive; this will create a new sub-folder; your desktop photos will be in that folder.

Those steps should work for either MacOS or Windows (if you’re using something than those two common operating systems then you’re more advanced than we are – and you’re on your own).

It’s been almost 7 years now since we stopped using Windows/PCs, so we don’t recall precisely how desktop images are installed for Windows, but it must be something like this process on a Mac:

5. Go to the “System Preferences panel.

6. Select “Desktop & Screen Saver” and then highlight the ‘Desktop” tab.

7. Toward the bottom left corner of that panel you’ll see a “+ ” button. Click that button and a “Finder (Windows=”Explorer”) window will open. Navigate to the folder where you stashed the files in step 3 above.

8. That folder will then show up in the list of desktop image folders, and should become the selected folder for your desktop images

9. Select the image you want to serve as your desktop, then select among the other options like “Change picture” every xx minutes.

10. If you use the “Spaces” feature of OSX (or the Windows equivalent, I have no idea what it would be called…), you’ll have to set a new desktop for each “Space” that have open.

Trust us, it sounds more difficult than it actually is.

The files that we offer for desktops changes from time to time, but these instructions should work regardless of what files you are downloading. If you’re still having issues, please contact list [email protected] and we’ll try to help you out.

Thanks again for subscribing to The Weekly Digest.

Labor Saving Devices

Or: Why Our Modern Lives Are Crazy
(well, mine, anyway)

The Babbage Difference Engine - a mechanical precursor to today's electronic computers

The Babbage Difference Engine – a mechanical precursor to today’s electronic computers

I set aside an hour Monday morning
to address various “desk chores”
that have gone neglected
for the past week or so.

I know now
why I put these things off.
Bear with me here.
And tell me:
Does this sound like anything
that has ever happened to you?

The first thing I needed to do
was submit documentation
to my “Health Savings Account.”
They wanted me to account
for the $800
that I put on the account
for some dental work
I had done a couple of weeks ago. Read More

And You Think Photoshop Is Deceptive?

Check this out:


I can’t tell from the YouTube page what the software is, but it’s the most impressive portrait (and video?) retouching software I’ve seen yet.

Screen Shot 2014-01-24 at 2.28.27 PMWait a second… maybe I’m the one being deceived here.

In mean, I can’t even tell for sure if this is software… maybe it’s just a music video for a band called “Boggie” and this is their song “Parfum.” Maybe the vocalist is singing to us (in a language I don’t recognize) about the evils of photo-retouching.

For once, Google wasn’t much help.

I know… I’ll go check The Onion…

If annybody else who knows the secret… post a comment, please.

– – – – – –

Update 140126: I know the answer now. Popular Photo has disclosed that the video is, indeed, a music video for a Hungarian pop singer named Boggie. So me – and the friend who sent me the link in the first place, among the the fools.

You would think that if such software actually exists, I of all people would know about it by now.

Things We Take For Granted

You really can’t appreciate how much you rely on the very tip of your primary-hand index finger until you nick it with the super-sharp blade of a brand-new food* processor, and can’t use it for a couple of days to swipe or type…

*the original version of this post had the word typed as “foot-processor.” See what I mean?