I suppose by now most who read this know that I got fired from my job at the Apple store in Green Hills back in January. Don’t cry for me, Argentina. If they hadn’t pushed me I never would have jumped, and it was well past time to fly.
That job got me through several life-changing years, starting with Ann’s decision to move to Oregon back in 2016. I think I can safely say now I’ve survived that transition and everything that came with and after it.
Time to ‘face the front of the bus’ (as my friend Philo Farnsworth III liked to say).
I’m still sorting out exactly how I will sustain my new-found freedom. I got that ‘part time summer job’ working at the ball park (more on that here).
And I figured, hell, let’s see if I can collect some unemployment insurance.
Well, umm…. no. Not so fast.