This One Is Kind of A Big Deal

Everybody fire up yer radios!

Wednesday night – well, actually, Thursday morning – I will be a guest on the Coast to Coast AM radio show with host George Noory.

Coast to Coast “…airs on over 600 affiliates, and has repeatedly been called the most popular overnight show in the country.”  The audience is said to reach in millions despite the bizarre hour – I’ll be on from 2-4AM Central!

I first learned of “Coast to Coast AM” back in the early ‘aughts.  After I’d first published the Farnsworth bio – and embarked on my new career as the “biographer of obscure 20th century scientists” with the Townsend Brown project – I started hearing about this fringe-topic, all-night radio show, at the time hosted by the legendary Art Bell.

It’s only taken twenty-some years, but I’ve finally been invited to appear on the show.

And, yes, the program has its share of critics who take issue with its coverage of “pseudohistoric and pseudoscientific ideas,” but I’m entirely comfortable with the forum. I know that I’m going in with actual history and a pretty healthy sensibility re: where the science gets to the edge of pseudo.  So I’m looking forward to a lively conversation.

If by some strange happenstance you are awake at that ungodly hour, see if you can find a station near you from these listings. 

Next stop:  Joe Rogan!

CYA on the radio !!